
What is a Good Focus Keyphrase?

What is a Good Focus Keyphrase?

As a publisher who’s always on the lookout for good content to develop, it is important to know what a good focus keyphrase is. In this article, you’ll understand the meaning of the term and how it differs from keywords. Also, you’ll find out how to choose a good focus set of words to optimize … Read more

What Is FBCLID In Google Analytics?


Have you ever seen FBCLID  as a traffic source or medium in your Google Analytics? Do not panic. It is not an error. Read Also: Why Is Google Analytics FREE? What Is FBCLID In Google Analytics? FBCLID means Facebook Click Identifiers. It is a tracking parameter automatically added to any outbound link from Facebook. In … Read more

CPL (Cost Per Lead) In Digital Marketing: The Complete Tutorial

CPL (cost per lead) meaning and tutorial

Definition: CPL in Digital Marketing means Cost-Per-Lead and it is an advertising campaign strategy that focuses on how much it costs the advertiser to generate a single lead. Now, let’s dig deeper. To start with, a Lead, in marketing, is simply defined as a potential customer of any business. The basic information most advertisers get … Read more