Facebook is one of the biggest marketplaces on the internet, and many business owners advertise there. It is, therefore, pertinent to understand the various Facebook ads size for all kinds of placements.
As you know, Facebook Ads can show in several places. In the Facebook Ads Manager, these are called placements.
Each of the Facebook Ads placements has some specific requirement or size.
The essence of this article is to remind you of the various ad placements on Facebook and the required size or dimension of each.
What Is Facebook Ads Size?
Just so we are on the same page, it is important to explain what Facebook ads size means in the context of this article.
Facebook ads size means the specifications, dimensions, or required file size of the creatives that are used for Facebook ads.
Why Should You Care About Facebook Ad Size?
Actually, you should care about Facebook Ad size. Why? Consider the following reasons:
Each ad placement has some specific ad sizes. If your creatives do not meet these requirements, some parts of it may be cut out on some placements.
Of course, this will negatively impact your Ads campaign. Viewers may see your brand as an unserious one and would likely not engage with your ad.
Also, some vital information may be cut out of your creative, providing incomplete information to your potential customers.
Overall, it adds to people’s resistance. The more resistance, the less likely viewers will engage with your ad.
(Related: Learn how to write effective Facebook Ad Copies)
The Most Common Facebook Ads Sizes
1. Facebook feed ads sizes
The Facebook news feed is where you find most of the Facebook audience. Why? Because that is where they read the status of friends, pages, or groups they follow.
All Facebook advertisers must place ads on the Facebook news feed to get the best out of Facebook Ads.
The minimum image dimension for Facebook Ad placement is 600 X 600 Pixels. However, Facebook recommends a resolution of at least 1080 X 1080 pixels.
Video files cannot be more than 30 MB.
Facebook feed ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB
- Maximum image size: 600 x 600 pixels
- Recommended resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
2. Facebook Reels Ads Size
Facebook Reels are short videos that convey a specific message on Facebook.
Feed videos are different from reels in that they can be longer.

Only videos are allowed for Reels, and it must not be more than 30 MB.
Facebook Reels ads Size in summary:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB
- Minimum dimension: Images – 600 X 600 Pixels, Videos – 120 X 120 Pixels
- Maximum file size: 4 GB
3. Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Instant Articles are like the amp version of Facebook.
This feature lets users on Facebook view articles instantly without loading a page as it would normally be on a browser.
Naturally, Facebook users find it hard to click links that distract them from interacting with posts. Now, with Facebook Instant articles, users can effortlessly read articles on Facebook.
In between the articles, Facebook places ads from advertisers like Google would on a Website.
The recommended size for instant articles ads is at least 1080 X 1080 pixels, and the video file must not be more than 4GB.
See Facebook Instant articles Ads Size at a glance:
- Ratio: 16:9
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Maximum file size: 4 GB
- Minimum width: 120 pixels
- Minimum height: 120 pixels
4. Facebook Search Result Ads Size
Just like every other Social Media platform, Facebook has a Search Engine.
When a user searches for anything on Facebook, the result shows just like it would on Google SERP.
In between the results, some ads show.
The maximum file size for images is 30MB, and for video is 4GB.
Facebook Search Result Ads Size At A Glance:
- Maximum file size: Image – 30 MB, Video – 4GB
- Minimum dimension: Image – 600 X 600 Pixels, Videos -120 X 120 pixels
- Recommended resolution: 1080 X 1080 Pixels
Facebook carousel ads sizes
Carousel Facebook ads let you swipe and see more than one creative on a single Ad.
Either videos or images can be used. Whichever you use, it must be uniform all thorough. You cannot mix images with videos and vice versa.
Also, Facebook Carousel images must not be more than least 30MB, and videos must be a maximum of 4GB.
The Facebook carousel ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB for images; 4GB for videos
- Maximum image size: 600 x 600 pixels for images; 120 x 120 pixels for videos
- Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1 to 1:1
Facebook right-column ads sizes
This type of Ad shows only on the right-hand column of Facebook.
Up to 10 images can be added to a Carousel in this section.
The minimum recommended resolution is 1080 X 1080 Pixels.
Facebook right column ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB for images; 4GB for videos
- Maximum image size: 600 x 600 pixels for images; 120 x 120 pixels for videos
- Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Image ratio: 1:1
Facebook in-stream video ads sizes
In-stream ads show before, in between or at the end of a video played on YouTube.
Of course, only videos or GIFs are acceptable here.
The video formats accepted are MP4 and MOV.
The video aspect ration must be 16:1 or 1:1 and cannot be more than 4GB in size.
The Facebook in-stream video ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 4 GB
- Maximum image size: 120 x 120 pixels
- Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution
- Image ratio: 1:1
Facebook Marketplace ads sizes
There is a dedicated marketplace for users where they can buy and sell on Facebook.
Advertisers can take advantage of this to show relevant ads to users in this section.
Videos and images are accepted here.
See below the general dimensions and requirements for this type of ad.
Facebook Marketplace ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB for images; 4 GB for videos
- Maximum image size: 600 x 600 pixels for images; 120 x 120 pixels for videos
- Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution
- Image ratio: 1:1
Facebook Stories ads sizes
Stories are getting more common today and on Facebook, it is no different.
Advertisers take advantage of Facebook stories to place relevant ads for story viewers.
Facebook accepts images and videos as stories.
For videos, it cannot be more than 15 seconds long. Recommended aspect ratio is 9:16.
Facebook Stories ad sizes at a glance:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB
- Maximum image size: 500 pixels wide
- Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution
- Image ratio: 1:1
How To Create Custom Size Images For Facebook Ads
Now that you know the recommended Facebook ads size, it is important that you know how to create custom size images.
One tool that can help you is Canva.

Assuming you have created an account, go to “create design” and you’ll all types of preloaded ad sizes.
Choose one and start designing.
Alternatively, you could choose “custom size” to set your own dimension.
Related: Facebook Ads Strategy To Grow WhatsApp Group
Final Thought
If you are ever confused about the different types of ads and their dimensions, this post must have provided more clarity on the subject matter.
Although these options are many, I strongly recommend placing ads only on Facebook feed instead of all the placements recommended by Facebook.
This and many other strategies are recommended in this article. Make sure you read it.
If you enjoyed reading this, you’ll also want to know the factors that determine success of an ad, SEO success factors, and how to delete a Facebook page.