
How To Set Focus Keyphrase In WordPress [Easy Guide]

For the purpose of SEO, it is crucial first to have a focus Keyphrase. In the course of this article, you’ll learn how to choose a focus keyphrase and how to set it in WordPress using the Yoast SEO plugin.

To start with, what is a focus keyword?

What Are Focus Keywords?

As you may know, you can have multiple keyphrases in one article. Focus keywords are the main keywords you want to optimize your content for.

In most cases, the focus keywords have the most search volume amongst other related keywords on your list.

In fact, the main keyword should naturally bring forth other related keywords when making research.

For further learning, find out the in-depth meaning and how to choose a good focus keyphrase. Also, you could learn how to discover gold-like keywords.

How to Set Focus Keyphrase In WordPress Using Yoast Plugin In 3 Steps

  • Assuming you are logged in to your WordPress site. From the WordPress home dashboard, go to posts.
  • Click ‘add new’ to start a new post
  • Scroll down to the end of the page and you’ll see the Yoast Focus Keyphrase box.
Add focus keyword in WordPress with Yoast

For existing posts, all you need to do is go to the post and edit it to see this option.

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It is a matter of choice though but if for any reason you want to change the position of the Yoast SEO meta box, it is as simple as ABC.

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How To Change The Position Of Yoast SEO In WordPress

In your post draft, click the Yoast button at the top right corner.

How To Change The Position Of Yoast SEO Box In WordPress

Everything related to Yoast SEO would then fit into the sidebar of your draft.

Personally, I prefer to have the Yoast SEO box on the sidebar because I do not need to scroll down to optimize my post and then back up again. Everything I need is on the sidebar which makes life easier for me.

The downside of having Yoast on the sidebar of your draft is that there is not as much space on the sidebar as it is underneath the post.

Everything on the sidebar shrinks and fits into the available space.

Related: Learn How To Add Related Keyphrase In WordPress


As you have found out, it is quite easy to set a focus keyphrase in WordPress. Simply scroll down to the last part of a draft in WordPress and you’ll see the Yoast “Focus keyphrase’ box.

Take note that only one keyphrase can be used in this box. However, with the Yoast Premium plugin, you can add multiple keyphrases.

Interestingly, with the free Yoast plugin, you still can find a way around optimizing your content for multiple keyphrases. Read my detailed guide on how to do that.

In case you found this article useful, you may also enjoy reading why Google Search Engine is biased, the meaning of GCLID in Google analytics, and the best Google docs SEO tools.

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